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概 念 基 本 建 设的英文

"概 念 基 本 建 设"怎么读


  • conceptual infrastructure
  • "概"英文翻译    general outline
  • "念"英文翻译    read aloud
  • "基"英文翻译    base; foundation
  • "本"英文翻译    I stem or root of plants
  • "建"英文翻译    build; construct; erect
  • "设"英文翻译    x
  • "概 念 系 统 设 计" 英文翻译 :    conceptual system design
  • "基 本 物 料" 英文翻译 :    base material
  • "基 本 组 件" 英文翻译 :    basic component
  • "概" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(大略) general outline 梗概 main idea; broad outline; an abridged summary2.(神气) manner of carrying and conducting oneself; deportment 气概 bearing; mettle; spirit; 节概 upright conductⅡ副词(一律) without exception; categorically 概而论之 generally speaking; 药品售出, 概不退换。 once medicines leave the store they may not be returned.Ⅲ动词(概括) generalize; exemplify; typify 即此一端, 可概其余。 this single item will suffice to typify all the rest.Ⅳ形容词(大概) general; approximate 概算 a rough estimate
  • "念" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(看着文字发出声音; 读) read aloud 念得清楚些 read more distinctly; 请再给我念一遍。 please read it back to me. 她把那封信念给我们大家听。 she read out the letter to all of us.2.(上学) study; attend school 念书 read; study; 他念过中学。 he has been to middle school.3.(想念; 考虑) think of; miss 我们老念着你。 we miss you very much.Ⅱ名词1.(念头) thought; idea 杂念distracting thoughts; 万念俱灰。 all ambitions are blasted.2.(姓氏) a surname 念贤 nian xian
  • "基 本 中 线 系 统" 英文翻译 :    basic centre line system
  • "建" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(建筑) build; construct; erect 建电站 build a power station; 新建的工厂 newly-built factory; 重建家园 rebuild one's homeland; 大楼边上又扩建了一些教室。 extra classrooms were built out from the main block. 这座碑是为纪念他而建的。 the monument was erected in his honour.2.(建立; 设立; 成立) establish; set up; found 建校 found a school; 建新功 make new contributions; 唐代建都长安。 the tang dynasty made chang'an its capital.3.(提出; 首倡) propose; advocateⅡ名词1.(指福建) of fujian province 建漆 fujian lacquerware2.(姓氏) a surname 建公 jian gong
  • "设" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(设立; 布置) set up; establish; found 设下天罗地网 spread a dragnet; 设一所学校 establish a school; 总公司设在大连 set up the head office in dalian; 部下面设六个司。under the ministry there are six departments. 我们这个市, 下面设十个区。our municipality is divided into ten districts. 指挥部设在前沿阵地上。 the command post was set up in a forward position.2.(筹划) work out : 设计陷害 plot a frame-up; frame; 设了个圈套 set a trap3.[数学] (假设) given; suppose; if 设 x = 1 given: x = 1; 设 x 等于 y。 let x be the equal of y. 设长方形的宽是 x 米。suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres.Ⅱ连词[书面语] (假如; 倘若) if ; in case 设有困难, 当助一臂之力。you can count on me to help in case of difficulty.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 设昌 she chang
  • "基[本]频[率],最低频率,一阶频率" 英文翻译 :    fundamental frequency
  • "基" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(基础) base; foundation 坝基 the base of a dam; 奠基 lay a foundation; 房基 foundation (of a building); 路基 roadbed; bed2.[化学] (化合物的分子中所含的一部分原子, 被看做是一个单位时就叫基) radical; base; group 氨基 amino; amino-group; 羟基 hydroxyl group; 石蜡基 paraffin base; 自由基 free radicalⅡ形容词(起头的; 根本的) basic; key; primary; cardinal 基调 keynote; 基数 cardinal number
  • "本" 英文翻译 :    i 名词1.(草木的茎或根)stem or root of plants 草本glass family; 木本plants with stiff trunks; the stem of a tree; 木本植物woody plants; 水有源,木有本.a stream has its source; a tree has its rot.2.(事物的根源)foundation; origin; basis 忘本forget one's ancestry or tradition; 舍本逐末attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; 胜利之本the foundation of victory3.(本钱,本金)capital; principal 亏本儿lose money 无本儿inadequate capital; 吃老本儿live off one's past gains; 还本付息 pay back the capital [principal] plus interest4.(册子)book 户口本儿 residence booklet; 帐本儿 account book5.(版本) edition; version 原刻本original edition; 平装本paperback6.(演出的底本)copy 剧本script; 抄本manuscript copy7.(封建时代指奏章)memorial to the throne 奏本memorial to emperor8.(姓氏)a surname 本高 ben gaoii 量词1.(用于书籍、簿册等)book; volume 一本参考书 a book of reference;两本儿帐 two account books2.(用于一定长度的影片) volume, reel 一个有十四本长的影片 a fourteen-reel film3.(用于戏曲) volume 头本《红楼梦》the first ""red chamber dream""iii 形容词1.(原来的)original 本籍 one's ancestral district2.(自己方面的)one's own; native 本校 our school; 本厂产品the products of our factory3.(主要的;中心的)principal; central 本部central department4.(现今的)this; present; current 本年this year; 本计划 the present planiv 副词(原来)originally 本属于originally belong to; 本该如此should have been so anyway v 动词(遵照;按照)follow; base on; according to 本着这一原则 base on the principle 每句话都有所本 every statement is well-founded
  • "建 曲" 英文翻译 :    jianqu medicinal fermented mass massa medicata fermentata
  • "观 念 时 代" 英文翻译 :    conceptual age
  • "〔建〕木架砖壁。" 英文翻译 :    brick nogging
  • "波成(建)台地" 英文翻译 :    wave built terrace
  • "建 - 菟丝花" 英文翻译 :    toos flower
  • "敦 设 计 节" 英文翻译 :    london design festival
  • "片 设 计" 英文翻译 :    graphic design
  • "聘 设 计 师" 英文翻译 :    vacancies for designer position
概 念 基 本 建 设的英文翻译,概 念 基 本 建 设英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译概 念 基 本 建 设,概 念 基 本 建 设的英文意思,概 念 基 本 建 設的英文概 念 基 本 建 设 meaning in English概 念 基 本 建 設的英文概 念 基 本 建 设怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。